Friday, May 2, 2014


is anyone else wondering where april went?

march and april are always busy around here because, as those of you with kids in college know, there is the great and dreaded fafsa to fill out. if i'd just get organized and stay that way things would be oh so much easier. i complain about this every year so i'll just stop now.

one cool thing was being asked if i would like to donate a bunch of moleskine notebooks to the goodie bag for a blogshop workshop, run by bri emery of design love fest and photographer angela kohler. after weighing the pros and cons, talking to everyone and anyone about it, i decided to go for it.

31 notebooks later...

here's one in progress

the workshop is over, got some lovely mentions here and here. it's kinda cool thinking about my little notebook traveling around in the hands of all those bloggers.

here's to all of your magnificent thoughts!


Becca said...

Hooray, that others are getting their magnificent thoughts in your fabulous journals!
Congrats on the features!

Lisa said...

thanks so much Becca! xo

Unknown said...

Oh, wow!! Such a great collection of notebooks!! Love both the design and your neat stitching! Congrats!!
I´m also wondering where April has gone :-)

Lisa said...

thanks for your sweet words Maria! xo