Saturday, March 8, 2014


saw somewhere on the interwebs that you can make image transfers with plain old mod podge so of course i had to try it out. and then i thought i'd share. luckily i remembered to take pictures.

i cross hatched 6 fairly thick layers of mod podge onto some magazine images and a laser photo copy

please ignore the torn edges, i'm not known for my patience

i let it soak in water for a few minutes

i flipped the image so it's right side down and gently rubbed the paper away. i used my trusty finger.

you can see in some places i rubbed the image away which is part of the fickleness and beauty of image transfers

the photo copied image had none of the rub off like the one from the magazine. 

then again, if you don't want to experiment and want foolproof instructions, go here

but what fun would that be?


Unknown said...

Oh, yes, It must be fun!! Makes me want to try :-)
Thanks for sharing this!!

Lisa said...

it is fun Maria - you could experiment with putting images on your beautiful pillows! thanks for stopping by xo